On Saturday, I attended an online British School of Coaching (BSC) Coaching Network entitled ‘Bringing Climate into Coaching.
As an Executive Coach, I admit that I have not consciously considered the link between climate, sustainability and coaching conversations; therefore, it was a great opportunity for me to be curious and to learn something new from a presentation by Pam Candea, entitled ‘Bringing Climate into Coaching’.
The presentation was 'food for thought' as it prompted me to consider the choices that I make on a daily basis and the impact that this has on our climate. For example, if as an Executive Coach, I fail to attend to my self-care needs (e.g. fail to put my own 'oxygen mask on first'), this could lead to me making poorer choices (e.g. eating less plant-based foods, using the car for short journeys, etc.), which has a detrimental impact on our climate.
I was also prompted to consider ways that I can promote sustainability within my practice at Courage Over Comfort Coaching. For example, I will definitely continue to embrace a hybrid model when working with coaching clients to reduce my carbon footprint, in addition to asking probing questions to challenge ideas around sustainability.
Take action
There are a number of ways that we can bring climate into coaching conversations. What changes can you make to promote sustainability for yourself, your loved ones and for our planet?
What has been your most significant learning point this week? How has this influenced your behaviours moving forward?