I had a brilliant experience at the UKBBS on Saturday, so I thought I would take the time to reflect on all that I am grateful for:
WARNING – This post contains the word grateful at least 10 times!
I am grateful for the love and support from my family and friends… Whether you attended the event, helped me to prepare beforehand, or supported me on social media - I am grateful!
I am grateful for choosing courage over comfort, as although it was a little daunting to be exhibiting at a show for the first time, I embraced the opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and grow. As a start-up, I also had the pleasure of two impromptu interviews - one live interview with the wonderful Juliana Olayinka and iOla C. Williams for Colourful Radio and the second, with HSBC, as part of their business mentoring scheme.
I am grateful to have met lots of fantastic people, to share knowledge, network, inspire and be inspired.
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to spend quality time with my family and friends, embracing the positive energy and laughing until we ached!
After the event, I was parched and was grateful to enjoy several glasses of ice-cold lemonade… delicious!
Last, but by no means least, I was truly grateful to be able to have a lie in on Sunday morning… following all of the preparation and the event itself, I was absolutely knackered – need I say more? 😴
What six little things are you grateful for today?
Always remember to take the time to reflect on and be grateful for your blessings - the benefits are endless!